Tildelinger Kunst og Håndverk 2022

FKDS BA-stipend 2022 tildeles

Silje Kjørholt

Juryens begrunnelse:

Vinneren av årets FKDS pris arbeider ut fra en tydelig materialbevissthet, men skaper samtidig en egen romlighet, nærmest et tilfluktssted, der nyanser og poetiske dimensjoner også kan fremtre. Det gir et kraftfullt førsteinntrykk – det møter oss med mektige objekter men inviterer så til videre refleksjon og utforskning.

Juryen vil også trekke frem den poetiske dimensjonen i prosjektet. Det er imponerende hvordan studenten inkorporerer det poetiske både i det skulpturelle og i tekst, med skrevne dikt. Dette bidrar til den ´lange´opplevelsen av verket, der sanselighet, men også ettertanke og lysten på nye undersøkelser blir vekket.

Prosjektet er svært formsikkert, samtidig som det er søkende og undersøkende. Installasjonen står godt i rommet, og kunstneren har en god forståelse av hvordan presentasjonen i seg selv, kan underbygge de skulpturelle romlige dimensjoner som skaper ytterligere erfaringer i utstillingsrommet. ´Studenten får det til å skinne litt ekstra!´som et av jurymedlemmene sa.

Dette kunstprosjekt er et bidrag til det kunst- og håndverksfaglige feltet. Verket består av blåleire, bjørk, gran, granitt og skjell og det er tydelig at kunstneren har en nærhet til materialet. Hun har selv gravd leiren i Sverige, fordi den norske ikke har riktig rødnyanse, og hennes personlige forhold til selve materialet gjennomsyrer hele installasjonen. Måten hun videre setter leiren i sammenheng med treobjektene og -soklene, skaper også et møte mellom materialene, som understreker både materialenes særegenhet og deres sammenheng. Materialdimensjonen blir som en kunstnerisk tilstedeværelse i rommet.

Fondet for kunst og designstudenters pris går i år til Silje Kjørholt.

Juryen mener altså at verket er inspirerende for dagens kunstnere og et viktig bidrag til kunst og håndverksfeltet. Vi gleder oss til å følge Silje Kjørholt videre – Gratulerer!

Jury for BA FKDS-stipendet 2022:
juryleder : Boel Christensen-Scheel (dekan).
Jennie Hagevik Bringaker (ekstern fagperson)
Enrique Guadarrama Solis (tidligere prisvinner)
Olaf Tønnesland Hodne og Thomas Iversen (utstillingskoordinatorer)

FKDS MA-stipend 2022 tildeles

Kamil Kak

This year’s the jury had a long discussion and found several works competing for the final prize.
Therefore, the jury has decided to give honorary mentions to four additional students – these will be read first:

The FKDS extends an honorary mention to Asta Marie Tutavae Iversen, for a heartwarming work that highlights the element of participatory action within the field of craft. Asta nurtures the potential to reimagine human relationships, learning and growth. Through concept and through action, Asta’s ceramic objects are activated by sharing, and open up spaces for connection and touch, incredibly relevant to our times as we continue to struggle with the life-changing Covid-19 pandemic. The FKDS extends an honorary mention to Joel Arantes Correia, for a work that plays on the intriguing relationship between the human and the constructed, between materiality and scale, and where the found,the recycled and the reappropriated meet the structured, the playful and the ephemeral. Joel’s scultpure has an immediate impact that is only increased if one is lucky enough to experience the sudden play of shadows creating drawings on the ground when an unsuspected ray of
light comes through the window. Then FKDS extends an honorary mention to Anna Weilhartner, for a practice that explores many approaches to the medium the artist book through works of exceptional quality. With a perfect combination between the impulsive and the structured, Anna generates pieces that are playful in their conception and impeccable in their technical execution. The commitment to the physical book
in the age of the digital reinvigorates the artistic object in its materiality, and the book as a generator of unique experiences within Art.
The FKDS extends an honorary mention to Mari Ulland, for an installation where the organic, the synthetic and the mechanical trigger the intersection between tradition and technology. The duality that is generated in her hand-made textile pieces as they become intervened by mechanical and technological processes brings us closer to the experience of the past and the future through the artistic object, raising questions on our relationship to everyday garments, clothes and textiles, and the impact of new technologies upon craft and artistic production.

The recipient of this years scholarship from the Fund for Art and Design Students this year, holds an artistic practice that is perceived as both versatile as urgent, as driven by a defiant reaction to those aspects of our society that separates us, as by the commitment to care and nurturing that can bring us together. The artist has engaged with a broad range of strategies and mediums, with a mindset that has not only explored but expanded them, incorporating the traditional craft, the performative, the mechanical and the technological – as a way to understand and transform our personal and social identities, relations, connections and confrontations. The artist has established a balance between the different aspects of art making, between the personal and the political. Working on the edge while challenging boundaries, the prize recipient has developed a strong aesthetic language where symbolism meets activism, ultimately reminding us the role of Art: to re-imagine the world around us, to resist preconceived structures, to be active catalysts of transformation in our societies, but most importantly, to care.

This student comes from the field of print making, but has expanded their practice to include different typografies. Their letters and symbols are translated from one material to another, kept together by their strong personal statement. The artist that receives the prize comes from a catholic country, where many counties still condemn homosexuality. In the year of the Norwegian 50 years celebration of the upheaval of the gay criminalization act in 1972, it feels particular meaningful to give the prize to a student working on these same issues.

The artist recipient of this years FKDS scholarship is Kamil Kak.

Jury for the MA FKDS prize 2022:
Jennie Hagevik Bringaker (external member)
Enrique Guadarrama Solis (former prize winner)
Nicholas Jones (exhibition curator)
Boel Christensen-Scheel (dean)