Tildelinger Design 2022

Tildelinger Avdeling Design 2022

Etter grundig diskusjon besluttet jurien å lande på 3 Master-prosjekter som vil bli tildelt kr 12.000 hver.

Nina Havemans for «A practice of biomaterial design»

Juryens begrunnelse:

The project is a design research into material ecology, exploring both the development of material creation and the emerging roles designer might have in those processes. Candidate’s methodology is meticulous testing, failing, analysing and testing again, overlapping the scientific laboratory protocols with the designer’s creative practices.
For this project the candidate has built her own custom-made design-laboratory, a new typology and an appropriation of a design-studio. She has also constructed across-disciplinary networks of various experts around her within the subject area, with whom she has collaborated with, for example in this case with the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO).
Candidate has worked very practically, by developing a material case-study for a new composite biomaterial that is fully biobased and biodegradable. It utilises woolen waste from fabric production, and a renewable binder made of biomass from the wood industry. She describes her experiments in her recipe-books. Her ambition has also been to challenge the existing material providers, that currently do not offer such a biomaterial, but rather a ‘green- washed’ versions. The objective is to enter into debate, where designer’s contribution into material practices offers both ethical and creative solutions superseding the existing practices.
Candidate succeeds to demonstrate new emerging fields within the core of our profession, that are both ethically and ecologically just. Furthermore she shows how designer’s simultaneously holistic and practical approaches can open up new collaborative practices that operate both on the systemic level and in the everyday professional practice.

Araiz Mesanza for «Storytelling as a way of belonging, Toki Press»

Juryens begrunnelse:

This master project consists of a series of five complete publications by the candidate’s own micro publishing house, Toki Press. The idea of self-publication, and ultimately her own publishing house, came in the aftermath of the financial crisis, and while the starting point was a social and political circumstance, the project carves out an independent space for her own artistic practice. The narratives of the publications draw on the candidate’s reflections on languageand belonging. The five publications are executed in different techniques and formats. The candidate demonstrates a systematic and investigative approach, with emphasis on how printing and design choices shape and interact with the narratives. The strikingly well executed publications are varied, but connected by careful choices in storytelling, design, and materiality. As a result, the expansive work appears multifaceted, yet visually harmonious.

Julie Lundgaard Christophersen for «Kropsskam eller: hvordan jeg lærte at stoppe med at bekymre mig og elske min krop?»

Juryens begrunnelse:

Konsept bak kostymedesigner Julie Lundgaard Christophersens prosjekt er kroppsskam. Hun har bevisst valgt å ta utgangspunkt i egen opplevelse av kropp. Hennes håp er at prosjektet skal bidra til økt kunnskap og åpenhet om kroppsskam.
Prosjektet er et av de første kostymedesign-prosjekt på KHIO som primært retter søkelys på kropp og opplevelsen av kropp. – Julie materialiserer dette gjennom silhuett, materialer og detaljer på en poetisk, original og brilliant måte.
Prosjektet har politiske, sosiale, psykologiske og relasjonelle dimensjoner, og vil være en referanse for fremtidige studenter og praktikere innen feltet kostymedesign og klesdesign. Juryen mener at prosjektet samspiller med tidsånden og har høy aktualitet og relevant for et stort publikum.

Årets jury har bestått av:
Tony Kauppila – Professor og fagområdeansvarlig for interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign,
Martin Lundell – Professor og fagområdeansvarlig for grafisk design og illustrasjon,
Christina Lindgren – Professor i klesdesign og fungerende fagområdeansvarlig for klesdesign og kostymedesign,
Peter Løchstøer – fungerende dekan på avdeling Design